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Friday, October 30, 2015

Practicing Languages

Today was my first time tutoring a French student one-on-one in English! Taking a class simply isn't enough for anyone who really wants to learn a language. You must do as much as you can to surround yourself with the language and the opportunity to practice it! I was very happy to help this young boy today with his English!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday Runday

Today was my second time running in France (or Europe period) and I beat my previous time for fastest mile. I set a goal to run 100 miles in Europe before May 7th. I'm not entirely sure how realistic my goal is anymore, but I'll be completely content even achieving half of it.

Photos from my run on 10/14 at Parc Saint Pierre

Friday, October 23, 2015

First Time Grocery Shopping

Today it took me almost two hours to go shopping for groceries. Maybe it doesn't sound that crazy to you, I can pass two hours shopping in Wal-Mart easily . . . but this wasn't even a big shopping trip. I only bought enough to be able to carry home on my own & it all cost me under 60 (~$66). 

Though I speak French quite well, I still face many challenges every single day. At home I can pop into Wal-Mart or Harris Teeter for a quick shopping trip. I may only be frustrated by the busyness or the crazy people, but I'm hardly ever lost and confused. Yes, sometimes it takes a little bit of time to get used to the layout of a new store, but that was only half my problem today.

Friday, October 16, 2015

First Weekend - Friday

Hello everyone! YES, I'm alive and happy & I've finally found some time to write a post. This last month has flown by so quickly and every day was filled with either fun, stress, or relaxation. Leaving no space so far that I could justify dedicating to my blog. Have no fear though, you'll get the full scoop soon!

I've been in Europe for 32 days now and I have so much to catch you up on, but for now let me just tell you about my first weekend alone in France . . . PART I